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Astonish Lemon Sparkle Shake & Vac Carpet Freshener 400g

Clean and refresh your carpets with the Astonish lemon sparkle shake & vac carpet freshener.
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Astonish Lemon Sparkle Shake & Vac Carpet Freshener 400g

Clean and refresh your carpets with the Astonish lemon sparkle shake & vac carpet freshener. This 400g product acts as a powerful carpet cleaner, removing dirt and odours while leaving behind a fresh lemon scent.

Say goodbye to dull and dirty carpets and hello to a sparkling clean home. The carpet freshener has been made with malodour technology that helps combat deep down odours, leaving your carpets fresh and fragrant. Simply shake, wait a few minutes, and vacuum away – that’s cleaning made easy.

  • 400g
  • Lemon Sparkle Scent 
  • Includes Odour Neutraliser 
  • Easy To Use
  • Uses Malodour Control

SKU: 552281
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