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Black Ellipse Coal Hod Bucket 16''

The Black Ellipse Coat Hod Bucket would make a delightful feature by your fireplace with its stylish design and useful form.
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Black Ellipse Coal Hod Bucket 16''

The Black Ellipse Coat Hod Bucket would make a delightful feature by your fireplace with its stylish design and useful form. Its purpose and design are for transporting fuels from your bunker/store and then transporting and distributing them on your real open fire. With a strong metal handle included, this allows you to scoop and tip the coal with complete ease. 

The hod bucket has been made to be strong and durable allowing it to withstand daily use and you can store enough fuel to get you through the night without leaving the heat and comfort of the house. As well as being practical, the coal hod bucket will also add a simple elegance.

  • Colour - Black
  • Material - Metal
  • Size 16'' - H/40.5 - L/26cm - W/23cm Appox
  • Handle Included

SKU: 503512
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