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Dekton Jab Saw

This Dekton 300mm Jab Saw has extra sharp teeth and pointed end for piercing plasterboard.
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Dekton Jab Saw

This Dekton 300mm Jab Saw has extra sharp teeth and pointed end for piercing plasterboard. It's large smooth end pad facilitates pushing and twisting the blade through plasterboard. Included is a 1.8mm extra thick blade which is hardened & tempered steel. The saw is excellent  for wood, plastic and drywall cutting. 

  • Dekton 300mm Jab Saw
  • Extra-Sharp teeth and pointed end for piercing plasterboard.
  • Large smooth end pad facilitates pushing and twisting the blade through plasterboard.
  • 1.8mm extra thick blade which is hardened & tempered steel.
  • Excellent for wood, plastic and drywall cutting.

SKU: AV000162:YTC
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