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Dekton Latex Coated Tradesman Gloves

The Dekton Latex Coated Tradesman gloves are ideal for use while performing different DIY & workplace tasks when protection is needed.
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Dekton Latex Coated Tradesman Gloves

The Dekton Latex Coated Tradesman gloves are ideal for use while performing different DIY & workplace tasks when protection is needed. The gloves have been made from durable material that is long-lasting. 

The tradesman gloves provide safety when protection is required while also providing flexibility to perform DIY tasks with dexterity. These gloves allow you to grip tools and objects while protecting yourself against sharp edges. They also have excellent breathability and comfort.

  • Sizes Available - L/9 - XL-10
  • Ultimate protection
  • Latex Coated
  • Colour - Orange/Black

SKU: 535714
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