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Ecofective Slug Killer Pellets 250g

The Ecofective slug killer pellets provide maximum protection against slugs all year round and are suitable for seedlings, plants, and edibles, and can be used all year round.
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Ecofective Slug Killer Pellets 250g

The Ecofective slug killer pellets provide maximum protection against slugs all year round and are suitable for seedlings, plants, and edibles, and can be used all year round.

These pellets can be used on organic gardens and can be used in flower borders and veg patches. The pellets have a ferric phosphate formula making them more environmentally friendly.

For best results apply ecofective Ferrimax Slug Killer during mild damp weather, after rain or after watering the garden when slugs are most active.

  • 250g
  • Natural formula slug pellets
  • Protects edible and ornamental plants
  • Suitable for organic gardens

SKU: 536420
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