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Elmer's Washable School Glue Pens 3pk

This 3 pack of washable school glue pens bonds most porous materials such as paper and cloth, and semi-porous materials such as wood and pottery.
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Elmer's Washable School Glue Pens 3pk

This 3 pack of washable school glue pens bonds most porous materials such as paper and cloth, and semi-porous materials such as wood and pottery. The school glue pens are ideal for use in schools, offices, and at home.

The glue pen dries clear and is perfect for children to use for their school projects and they are safe and non-toxic. Each pen contains 0.2 fluid ounces (10.2 millilitres).

  • 3 Pens
  • The glue dries clear
  • Precision application tip
  • Washable.
  • Dries clear
  • Non-Toxic

SKU: 530032
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