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Extendable Fly Swatter

Yorkshire Trading Company
​​​There's nothing worse than flies and other insects in your home, they're so irritating and very unhygienic, they need to be stopped and with this fast, effective, and easy-to-use fly swatter.
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Extendable Fly Swatter

​​​There's nothing worse than flies and other insects in your home, they're so irritating and very unhygienic, they need to be stopped and with this fast, effective, and easy-to-use fly swatter. This fly swatter is great to have for swatting flies and insects.

This fly swatter is great for your home, garden, tents, caravans, or campers. Plus their environmentally friendly and if you get lots of insects during the summer then this is a must-have product to have.

  • Extends to approx 72cm
  • 2 Colours
  • Red and Yellow
  • Ideal for swatting insects

Assorted Colours - You Will Recieve 1 Colour Picked At Random

SKU: 541897
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