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Falcon Butterfly Conservatory 1000 Pieced Jigsaw

The butterfly conservatory jigsaw from Falcon showcases the stunning huge conservatory filled with beautiful variations of butterflies and many more animals.
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Falcon Butterfly Conservatory 1000 Pieced Jigsaw

The butterfly conservatory jigsaw from Falcon showcases the stunning huge conservatory filled with beautiful variations of butterflies and many more animals. It's a must-have for any animal and nature lover. The stunning Falcon de luxe jigsaw puzzle is part of the scenery puzzle theme collection.

This 1000 pieced puzzle has been produced with the highest quality of cardboard, allowing for every jigsaw piece to maintain its shape and create a poster-like finish to be enjoyed. This Falcon de Luxe jigsaw puzzle is part of the Scenery puzzle theme and is perfect for anyone who loves piecing jigsaws together.

  • Falcon de luxe 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle
  • A beautiful image of a huge conservatory filled with different animals
  • Illustrated by artist Debbie Cook
  • Produced using a high-quality cardboard
  • Each finished jigsaw puzzle measures 68 x 49cm (approximately)

SKU: 523861
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