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Festive Magic Flashing Bulbs Necklace

Festive Magic
Light up any occasion with the Festive Magic Flashing Bulbs Necklace which is perfect to go with your Christmas outfit at your Christmas party! Whether you're heading out to an outdoor festival or just want to add a touch of sparkle to an evening outfit, this stylish necklace is the perfect accessory.
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Festive Magic Flashing Bulbs Necklace

Light up any occasion with the Festive Magic Flashing Bulbs Necklace which is perfect to go with your Christmas outfit at your Christmas party! Whether you're heading out to an outdoor festival or just want to add a touch of sparkle to an evening outfit, this stylish necklace is the perfect accessory. Make a statement and liven up any event, the flashing bulb necklace is sure to put a twinkle in your eye.

  • Flashing bulb party necklace
  • 8 Flashing Bulbs
  • 3 Light Functions
  • Multi-Coloured
  • Brilliant For Christmas 


SKU: XG9398
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