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Fig & Olive Microwave Potato Baking Rack

Fig & Olive
If You Don't Have An Oven Or Prefer Microwave Cooked Potatoes Then This Baking Rack Is Perfect.
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Fig & Olive Microwave Potato Baking Rack

If you don't have an oven or prefer microwave cooked potatoes then this baking rack is perfect. It holds up to 4 potatoes and the spikes on each arm holds them in place so they don't roll around.

Grab a nice baking potato, prick the potato on all sides, place on the microwave rack and put into the microwave. Cook for the time preferred and get a nicer potato, the skin doesnt go hard on the bottom like when you place them directly on the plate. You get a better all round cook on them.

  • Microwave Potato Rack
  • 4 Spaces
  • W 22.5 x H 3.5cm x D 22.5cm
  • Dishwasher Safe

SKU: 530328
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