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Goodyear Fast Acting De-Icer 600ml

Don't Waste Time And Energy Manually Scraping Away Ice This Winter.
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Goodyear Fast Acting De-Icer 600ml

Don't waste time and energy manually scraping away ice this winter. Goodyear's powerful de-icer formula gets to work immediately, quickly clearing your windshield and other surfaces so you can hit the road safely and on time. With its long-lasting protective layer, you'll stay ice-free for up to a full day, no matter how low the temperatures drop. Whether you're facing a thick layer of frost or a thin sheet of ice, this de-icer quickly clears your view, saving you time on those chilly winter mornings.

  • 600ml
  • Removes Frost & Ice
  • Safe For All Applications
  • Fast Acting
  • Eco-Friendly & Non-Aerosol


SKU: 551022
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