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Rosewood Jolly Moggy Catnip Tune Chaser

The Catnip Tune Chasers are Motion activated sound chip toy reacts to the slightest of touches! The tune chaser has been designed to satisfy your fury friend's natural hunting instincts and keep them on their paws! The toys contain catnip for play-time fun.
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Rosewood Jolly Moggy Catnip Tune Chaser

The Catnip Tune Chasers are Motion activated sound chip toy reacts to the slightest of touches! The tune chaser has been designed to satisfy your fury friend's natural hunting instincts and keep them on their paws! The toys contain catnip for play-time fun.

  • Motion activated sound chip toy reacts to the slightest touch!
  • Designed to satisfy your cat's hunting instincts and keep it on its toes!
  • Contains catnip for play-time fun

SKU: 513909
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