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Kodak Extra Heavy Duty AA Batteries 10 Pack

Kodak is well known for their reliably high quality, long life batteries.
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Kodak Extra Heavy Duty AA Batteries 10 Pack

Kodak is well known for their reliably high quality, long life batteries. Their Heavy Duty AA batteries in particular are renowned for their ideal suitability for everyday devices needing battery power. Perfect for digital cameras, toys, and torches to name just a few items, your day to day life will be made so much easier by having these batteries to hand. Buying batteries can sometimes be unpredictable due to not knowing how well they will work, but with these batteries you know for certain that you’ll be able to power your possessions without that worry.

  • 10xAA 1.5V batteries.
  • For long term, small power uses.
  • Ideal for: toys, clocks and smoke detectors.
  • Mercury and Cadmium free.

SKU: 220025
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