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M.Y Traditional Bingo Game

Eyes Down! People of all ages love a game of bingo as it's a classic family game that everyone can enjoy whatever the occasion.
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M.Y Traditional Bingo Game

Eyes Down! People of all ages love a game of bingo as it's a classic family game that everyone can enjoy whatever the occasion. The bingo set has everything you need to play a proper game of bingo including  48 Bingo Cards, 100 Covering Chips, 90 Bingo Balls, and a Bingo Ball Dispenser. 

The bingo game is a fantastic game for all ages as it can help younger players to improve their numeracy skills. It's such an easy game to play, perfect for game nights with friends, or entertainment at a family gathering. Simply assemble your ball dispenser, and you're ready to play.

Box Contains

  • 48 Bingo Cards
  • 100 Covering Chips
  • 90 Bingo Balls
  • Bingo Ball Dispenser
  • Play a game of classic Bingo
  • No Batteries Required
  • Suitable for Ages 3+

SKU: 529823
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