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HG Natural Stone Shine Restoring Cleaner 1L

HG shine restoring cleaner (product 37) is a freshly scented, concentrated mopping cleaner.
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HG Natural Stone Shine Restoring Cleaner 1L

HG shine restoring cleaner (product 37) is a freshly scented, concentrated mopping cleaner. This shine restorer was developed for regular cleaning of marble and all other types of calciferous natural stone. Cleaning the natural stone floor with this mopping cleaner also restores shine.

How do you use HG shine restoring cleaner?
Follow the steps below to safely and effectively clean marble and other natural stone floors and make them shine again with HG shine restoring cleaner.

  • Dissolve 50ml (half a cup) of HG shine restoring cleaner in half a bucket (5L) of lukewarm water.
  • Then clean the floor with a wrung-out mop or floor cloth, regularly rinsing it in the cleaning solution.
  • Do not rinse or mop dry, simply leave the floor to dry on its own.

SKU: 238805
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