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Ravensburger The Winter Village 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle

The winter months allow us to enjoy some cold activities in the snow including sledging, skiing and if its's cold enough.
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Ravensburger The Winter Village 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle

The winter months allow us to enjoy some cold activities in the snow including sledging, skiing and if its's cold enough... ice skating. If those aren't for you then why not test  your motorbike skills or just want to take your horse out for a gentle hack?  And once you're in the village, what better way to warm up than to drop into your cosy local?

The 1000-piece jigsaw has been crafted with premium quality materials and measures 50 x 70cm when complete. This colourful and informative puzzle is a relaxing and fun way to spend time away from phones, computers and TV screens.

  • 1000 Pieces
  • Puzzle Size - 50x70cm
  • Ages 12+
  • Precise Interlocking Pieces

SKU: 550313
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