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151 Waterproof Roof & Gutter Sealant

151 Roof & Gutter Sealant is the quick and easy way to repair most small leaks in roofs and gutters to provide a watertight seal resistant to extreme weather conditions! Always ensure that the surface is smooth, clean, dry and free of moisture, grease and dust prior to applying.
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151 Waterproof Roof & Gutter Sealant

151 Roof & Gutter Sealant is the quick and easy way to repair most small leaks in roofs and gutters to provide a watertight seal resistant to extreme weather conditions!

Always ensure that the surface is smooth, clean, dry and free of moisture, grease and dust prior to applying. Suitable for most caulking and applicator guns, the 151 Roof & Gutter Repair Sealant is ideal for all types of small gaps and cracks to leave a black finish.

  • 280ml
  • Black
  • Fits Standard Cartridges
  • Waterproof

SKU: 514953
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