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Doff Slug & Snail Killer

Doff slug and snail killer is suitable for organic gardening as a ready to use bait control for controlling slugs and snails meaning it will reduce the damage caused by them in your garden.
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Doff Slug & Snail Killer

Doff slug and snail killer is suitable for organic gardening as a ready to use bait control for controlling slugs and snails meaning it will reduce the damage caused by them in your garden. Simply apply the ferric phosphate pellets around your edible crops up to the day of harvest and provide long-lasting control in wet weather lasting up to 10 days.

The slug and snail killer is proven Doff technology and will produce excellent results for your garden which you'll be pleased with. The slug and snail killer does not leave behind any excessive slime.

  • 800g
  • Suitable for organic gardening 
  • Showerproof formulation
  • Leaves no excessive slime

SKU: 522713
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