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Squiggle Floral Sudoku A5 Assorted

These 4 Assorted sudoku books have over 50+ brain teasers in each.
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Squiggle Floral Sudoku A5 Assorted

These 4 Assorted sudoku books have over 50+ brain teasers in each. Challenge your brain with these 50+ brainteasers! This will keep you occupied for ages. Going on a flight? Or a long train journey? This will sort out that boredom!

With easy-to-read text, challenge yourself with an adult skill-level search!

Perfect for adults and kids who want a challenge! In a compact a5 size, they're easy to take them with you anywhere. On holiday, to work or to school as a travel puzzle to keep you distracted and amused! The subjects are as varied as sports, the human body, swimming and so much more!

  • a5 Page Size
  • Assorted Version/Colour
  • Softback book type
  • Over 50+ Puzzles

PLEASE NOTE: This is an assorted item, and you will receive one variation picked at random from our assorted stock.

Unfortunately, we are not able to accept requests from Buyers for a particular variation, either before or after purchase.

SKU: 514607
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