
National Nest Box Week

With 19 years of proud history, the BTOs National Bird Box week invites you take action, get involved and provide a positive change for the protection of our native bird species.

What Do I Need To DO?

Participation is simple, anybody can take part, at home, as a family or out in the community as a part of a larger group, all you need to do is find a suitable wooded area, and set up a new nest box, then if you want to, take part in the survey by monitoring your box and letting BTO know what you saw.

What Can I Expect?

Natural nest sites for birds such as holes in trees or old buildings are disappearing fast as gardens are ‘tidied’ and old houses are repaired.

Taking part in NNBW gives you the chance to contribute to bird conservation whilst giving you the pleasure of observing any breeding birds that you attract to your nest box.

You can buy a pre-built nest box here - or even make your own, the choice is yours.

Happy Bird Watching!

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