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Habico Floristry Binding Wire (50 Metre Reel)

Whether you are creating a traditional flower arrangement or crafting something completely unique such as wedding bouquets, this floristry binding wire is perfect for wiring flowers and supporting stems for a stunning display.
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Habico Floristry Binding Wire (50 Metre Reel)

Whether you are creating a traditional flower arrangement or crafting something completely unique such as wedding bouquets, this floristry binding wire is perfect for wiring flowers and supporting stems for a stunning display. This wire can be easily cut and shaped into your chosen shape and size, making it easy to wrap around stems and flowers to give more of a definition to your creative pieces.

  • Ideal for wiring flowers into wedding bouquets.
  • Can be cut and shaped to any desired size.
  • Provides more definition in flower arrangements.
  • 50 metres.  

SKU: 529709
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